Refreshed Business Analysis Each Day
Eliminate the Guesswork in your business decisions by utilizing the NEW Power BI
View Business Operations Daily with Win-the-Day-Dashboard

Our AutoCube BI Module Offers:
- An interactive, cloud based sales reporting tool.
- View a “snapshot” of your company at the close of business the previous day.
- Store Sales & Profit
- Sales by Product Group
- Counter Staff Sales
- Sales by Customer
- Sales by Outside Sales
- New Merchandise Returns
- Warranty Returns
"Learn how to easily identify areas of your business that have affected your profit margins."
See your Business in a whole new light
- Get in-depth details: customized by customer, sales, counterman, product line and more.
- Manage multiple locations with ease.
- Increase productivity for management.
- Schedule personal efficiently with time-of-the-day sales and counter information, reducing operational costs.
- Measure merchandise return percentages by customer, product line.
- Instantly identify those customers who are not buying your key product lines.

Quick access through Excel & PowerBI
- Easily create powerful dashboards that combine graphs, KPI’s, conditionally formatted tables, etc.
- Strategize Target Market campaigns building revenues faster.
- Get ANY-time, self-service access to critical information.
- Daily downstreams present valuable data FAR BEYOND what your current management system can report.